Chronology of the U.S. Marine Corps / J. Robert Moskin
The Marine Corps experience / Gen. Carl E. Mundy, Jr.
Since 1775 / Brigadier Gen. Edwin H. Simmons
The Iwo Jima flag raising and the monument / Lt. Col. Jon T. Hoffman
Parade blue, battle greet / Lt. Col. Charles H. Cureton
Muskets to missiles / Col. Brooke Nihart
The vital link: from ship to shore / Col. Joseph H. Alexander
Corsair, cobras, and phantoms / Lt. Col. Ronald J. Brown
The president's own / Col. John R. Bourgeois
The commandants / Simmons
The Sergeants major of the Marine Corps / Capt. John C. Chapin
Marines in the movies / Lawrence H. Suid
The Corps today / Col. John Grider Miller
A Corps for the 21st Century / Gen. Charles C. Krulak.