Introduction : Darwin and microbiology / Roberto Kolter and Stanley Maloy --
Evolution in action : a 50,000-generation salute to Charles Darwin / Richard E. Lenski --
Minimal genomes and reducible complexity / Andrés Moya --
Lady Lumps's mouthguard / Jessica Green --
Trying to make sense of the microbial census / Mitchell L. Sogin --
View from below / Margaret Riley and Robert Dorit --
Running wild with antibiotics / Roberto Kolter --
Antibiotic resistance / Diarmaid Hughes --
Bacteria battling for survival / Thomas M. Schmidt --
Phage : an important evolutionary force Darwin never knew / Forest Rohwer --
Struggle for existence : mutualism / Paul E. Turner --
Secret social lives of microorganisms / Kevin R. Foster --
Microbes and microevolution / Evgeni Sokurenko --
Unnecessary baggage / Stanley Maloy and Guido Mora --
Bacterial adaptation : built-in responses and random variations / Josep Casadesús --
Impact of differential regulation on bacterial speciation / Eduardo A. Groisman --
An accidental evolutionary biologist : GASP, long-term survival, and evolution / Steven E. Finkel --
How bacteria revealed Darwin's mistake (and got me to read On the Origin of Species) / John R. Roth --
Role of conjugation in the evolution of bacteria / Fernando de la Cruz --
Do bacteria have sex? / Rosemary J. Redfield --
Better than sex / Harald Brüssow --
Darwin in my lab : mutation, recombination, and speciation / Miroslav Radman --
Sexual difficulties / Howard Ochman --
Unveiling Prochlorococcus : the life and times of the ocean's smallest photosynthetic cell / Sallie W. Chisholm --
Deciphering the language of diplomacy : give and take in the study of the squid-vibrio symbiosis / Margaret McFall-Ngai and Ned Ruby --
Tangled banks of ants and microbes / Cameron R. Currie --
Microbial symbiosis and evolution / Nancy A. Moran --
Coevolution of Helicobacter pylori and humans / Martin J. Blaser --
Library of Maynard-Smith : my search for meaning in the protein universe / Frances H. Arnold --
In pursuit of billion-year-old Rosetta Stones / Dianne K. Newman --
Deep history of life / Andrew H. Knoll --
A glimpse into microevolution in nature : adaptation and speciation of bacillus simplex from "Evolution Canyon" / Johannes Sikorski --
On the origin of bacterial pathogenic species by means of natural selection : a tale of coevolution / Philippe J. Sansonetti --
Evolution of diversity and the emergence of rules governing phenotypic evolution / Paul B. Rainey --
Christmas fungus on Christmas Island / Anne Pringle --
A new age of naturalists / Rachel A. Whitaker --
Ship that led to shape / Kevin D. Young --
Postphylogenetics / W. Ford Doolittle --
Irreducible complexity? Not! / David F. Blair and Kelly T. Hughes --
Many challenges to classifying microbial species / Stephen Giovannoni.